Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tebow's 3:16

Sports is a fun thing to play.  Attending games can be fun and can cause anxiety as well.  Being a New York Yankees fan, I think I've prayed more at both Yankee Stadiums (1923/2009) than at any Church.

Praying at a Stadium is nothing new.  We often see many fans with hands clutched, eyes shut hoping for a big move or win.  Recently in a NFL football game something interesting occurred with devote Christian player Tim Tebow.

Tebow threw 316 yards, had 31.6 yards per completion and when the touchdown was thrown, the national tv ratings was 31.6.  Sounds familiar?  John 3:16.   Immediately during this and after, many search engines and social sites listed 3:16 as a trending topic.

As we all may know, John 3:16 mentions on God sending His only begotten Son to save all and those who believe in Him will not perish but will enjoy life everlasting.

Many were quick to point this out as a miracle.  Is God trying to give a message?  Would He used Football, America's other pastime?

 Furthermore, the appearance of a smoke ring over the stadium added more to frenzy.

Was this the providence of God?  Who knows... As the saying goes: "God does work in strange and mysterious ways." 

Source: http://www.nbc-2.com/story/16482529/2012/01/09/tim-tebow-win-coincidence-or-divine-intervention


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