Tuesday, March 27, 2012

SCOTUS vs Obamacare

For 3 days the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the US) will be hearing for 6 hrs arguments for and against the infamous universal health care law labeled "Obamacare."  This law was introduced to Congress in a dramatic fashion.  It was filled with promises of giving health care coverage to all Americans, lowering the age for children to remain in their parent's health coverage, low costs, etc.  However, the devil was in the details.

The bill itself is compose of thousands of pages!  It was funny and scary to see Nancy Pelosi say that "we have to pass the bill first to see what's in it."

Democrats and some Republicans blindly followed the promises of this bill and pushed it along.

College kids brainwashed by progressive and liberal professors quickly were calling Obama a hero.  

However, these people show how ignorant they really are.  They fail to see how this bill is unconstitutional and expensive.   It forces Americans to buy a product/service.  The Constitution prohibits the federal government from forcing Americans to purchase a product/service.

Moreover, there is no money to make this bill a reality.   Even if the USA was out of debt and had a surplus, there still would not be enough money to run this Obamacare as well as run other programs.
The whole thing is just a disaster.  

Here is some good advice to Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Progressives, Professors and Students:  


Source:  http://www.npr.org/2012/03/27/149451224/weekly-standard-obamacare-on-trial-day-one


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