Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Pride" Month

Today some cities around the world are celebrating LGBT "Pride."  Many of them hold strange flamboyant parades celebrating the LGBT community and agenda.  While I have much respect for the LGBT community, I cannot support or give any validity to their agenda.  As a rational person I must hold fast to the realities behind what a male and female are.  I cannot replace biology and psychology with social constructivism.  

Moreover, the manner in which the LGBT display their so-called 'Pride' is distasteful and I have no idea why people are not arrested during these gatherings.

These parades have extreme nudity and vulgarity on full display.  They mock God, religions and anyone who is not in support of their agenda.  One just needs to Youtube Gay parade content or look at photos and see the disgusting displays.

Sex seems to be the main identifier of the LGBT people.  Instead of displaying things regarding the history of the LGBT such as the NY Stonewall incident or the positive contributions to society made by homosexuals, they have women with breasts exposed, men with attire that obviously accentuates certain areas, and the public portrayal of sexual acts. 

It is no wonder why no television networks carry the parade on channels as they would the St. Patrick's or Puerto Rican parades.

Why do these people get a free pass to disobey decency laws?  Doesn't anyone care that minors and others who are sensitive might see this junk?



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